Thursday, December 21, 2006

Women and Cruelty to Animals
Every now and then, some idiot comes up with a study saying that there are more vegetarians among women and women are more likely to be nice to animals and all that crap. But actually, women are probably the reason for most of the unnecessary cruelty that happens to animals. Women are the users of cosmetics which are pretty unnecessary if they maintained good habits and some good hygiene in order to maintain their skin. Women unnecessarily shave their armpits and legs and thereby end up using razors and shaving creams which have been tested on animals. Somehow, their parents and grandparents never found the need for that. Women are the ones who use fur for clothing the production of which is mostly by skinning animals alive. If any woman, especially these damn hollywood actresses talks about animal cruelty, I think it has to be the ultimate in hypocrisy as they are causing unnecessary torture to animals by using tons of make up while making life miserable for people by not allowing scientists to test essential drugs and medicines on animals.


Blogger Magnolia said...

i hate to say this...coz you're such a bloody anti-feminist.....but i agree with you.
Women who wear make-up and actresses really got no right to speak of animal cruelty.

But then again so are men's shaving cream. If you are popping a pill,it would first have been tested on a rat, then rabbits, then dogs, then monkeys.
Ofcourse there are alternatives.Beauty product companies such as of Shehnaz hussian's aren't tested on animals. And ofcourse for medicines, there is Ayurveda.

Saturday, December 23, 2006 9:13:00 PM  
Blogger redrajesh said...

Ayurveda: find some ayurvedic products that actually work in the first place.
It is not just men who pop pills, women do too and I never said that using animals for testing pills is bad. Please read the post carefully

What I said was make up, shaving armpits and legs and fur are un necessary and women are the ones who majorly indulge in all this thereby causing unnecessary cruelty to animals. The key word here is "unnecessary" - not "cruelty to animals".

I do agree that shaving by men is not needed...and I dont shave. But shaving by women and make up are needed even less than shaving by men...and more women are doing it all the time.

And there is nothing wrong in being an anti feminist. If you had a son, you would also eventually become one like most of the women in Asha Kiran(an NGO in blore). Feminist demands are like SC/ST demands to get more privileges no matter what they have which goes to show that once people are given something, they will get spoilt and keep demanding more and more no matter what instead of working on their own to get things on the basis of merit.

Sunday, December 24, 2006 7:36:00 PM  
Blogger Magnolia said... you live in India? I bet you don't.

Here I'm talking of what many women who suffer undergo.

1. First of all, to become independent, they need some source initially. That is not gonna happen in India, where still in small towns, woman are considered a burden, to be married off. Many don't get the education to become independent. There isn't much she can do.If she refuses marraige, she'll have to bear the brunt of her parents. That is one kind of suffering story.

2. Her filing a lawsuit, just because he didn't get her a car, happens in rich...more like celebrity families. In 99% families such an utterly ridiculous thing does not happen, so i don't know from where are you making this as a generic statement.

3. Talking about her taking care of's a woman's nature. You say that thousands don't care....there are lakhs who take care. Her parentsand his parents.
Taking care is something she can't avoid, because if she doesn't, noone will.
Its a complex thing that moronic people like you can't understand, so it's pointless arguing it further.

As far as testing is concerned, if you aren't averse to testing on animals, or killing animals for your benefit....then bloody, who the hell are you object women doing make-up? The animals for testing aren't scarce.

If you are averse to women doing make-up, just one request...don't chase anyone's skirts....marry the one who doesn't even use a powder or a deo.

And Ayurveda works fine. People who have used it, know it...provided you follow the rules 100%.

Sunday, December 24, 2006 9:22:00 PM  
Blogger redrajesh said...

1)Feminist lies like "it does not happen" is not going to hide the truth that it does happen and that it is increasing. Just because the mainstream media does not report politically incorrect things does not mean that such things do not happen.
2) Everyone these days gets their opportunity to get educated. Just that they are too lazy to use it.
3) Working is nobody's nature. It is everyones nature to do no work and get returns. Feminist lies like - "it is a woman's nature" are crap statements made without any basis and scientific proof.
4) I never said I am averse to women doing make up. The ones who do the most make up are the ones who speak most loudly against animal testing which you yourself agreed in your first comment as hypocrisy. I said I am against such hypocrisy..But then, according to feminists like you, women can never be hypocrists - "it is their nature" to be principled - yeah right. The way you have changed stances within two comments shows that it is womens nature to be fickle and inconsistent more than anything else.

Monday, December 25, 2006 2:19:00 AM  
Blogger Magnolia said...

i never said women can't be bad. Yes, there are bitches who have misused dowry laws...which were made for their protection. But the examples are too few for you to brand women like that.

For every women you show me are 'pampered' or 'bitches'....i can show 100 asshole men who beat up their wives and demand blindingly high dowry and are shameless MCPs who think women are menat to slog.

And where did i change the stance?I still firmly believe that you are a moron.

And obviuosly ABCD people like you have no god damn right to speak about India or anything Indian. Coz I see examples in front of me and not for proof in chemistry labs.

And if you are wondering what an ABCD is, it stand for Abroad Born Chutiya Desi.
You got no fucking right to abuse India the way you did in your blog by staying abroad.
And if you are staying in India....shame on you!

Monday, December 25, 2006 3:19:00 AM  
Blogger redrajesh said...

I am not an ABCD. I was born and brought up in India and I am still in India.
And the number of husbands who abuse their wives are too few to brand all men as potential hazards, espescially when women have opportunities to be independent, just that they dont have the mentality to be independent.
And just because the women who torture their husbands are few(as of now), it does not mean that there should be no checks on them.

And Indian women are pretty much pampered brats who only take all their lives - before marriage from the father and after marriage from the husband.

If you are staying in India, then women like you dont deserve the kind of laws that have been passed. Obviously you dont have a son, if you had, you would obviously not support such crappy laws.
And if small town women dont get educated because of their parents, it is not the job of the husband to be tortured for the incompetence of her parents. If the govt. wanted to do something, they should have said that parents should be jailed for not educating the child instead of putting all the burden on the husband.

FYI, the abuse of the laws(to which you have admitted, obviously, who cannot admit to the truth) has been so much that it has been covered in Zee TV in a programme called Crime File and the cases presented there were not of "celebrities".

And in typical feminazi mentality, you have tried to hide the changes in your comments by bringing in some expletives which had no relevance to the whole matter. But the fact is, you keep agreeing with me and then disagreeing with me which just shows how useless you are at arguing. I am very consistent in saying that feminazis like you are fickle and inconsistent and I dont bring in expletives to hide my incompetence at arguing unlike you feminazis

Monday, December 25, 2006 6:36:00 AM  
Blogger RustyNeurons said...

Looks like you are more bothered about women shaving legs than that of the cruelty to animals!! You should realize that it's just the matter of preference!(in your case and in their's too)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 3:20:00 AM  
Blogger Louie said...

Hey Red, I don't wear much make up but I admit I shave. But then I don't complain about the 'cruelty' to animals that have helped my father stay alive or helped my children become healthy when they are really really sick. Some things in life I just believe are a natural part of life.

Perhaps that's my biggest gripe about animal rights activists...they are a bunch of hypocrites who fight the cause simply to get their names on a billboard as 'being active'. PETA members kill animals all the time as well as threaten the lives of people and that to me is just plain insane.

You and I have had our bouts at my blog on this topic. I won't stop shaving but I also won't stand on some road hoisting a sign screaming for animal rights!

I use a lot of Avon stuff for my skin care and makeup wise and many of those labels say that the products 'were not' tested on animals.

And btw...testy one that Magnolia.

Thursday, March 01, 2007 8:26:00 AM  

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